Accounting / Fiduciary services
“ Numbers speak to us - and we tell you about them! ”
We can either work for you at our premises or directly at your location - we adapt ourselves so that you hardly notice an impact.
aDVISE operates the accounting software itself or makes it available to you ready for use by your staff.
We are where you want us to be!
And: we can offer something even on a small budget!
Our services
- Financial accounting (monthly/quarterly/annual)
- Interim/annual financial statements
- Accounts receivable/accounts payable
- Payroll accounting, salary & personnel administration
- Social insurance accounting
- Financial and liquidity planning, budgeting
- Value added tax settlements / checks / reconciliations
Über AbaWeb können Sie die Buchhaltung sowie die Lohnbuchhaltung auch selbstständig auf unserem Abacus nachführen